A Lady From “R”
Đào Hiếu
It was the first time I left the city for the war zone. Before 1975 in South Vietnam there was nothing strange about it, because thousands of young women as I, also had to do so. They fought, were wounded, died, were imprisoned or won back in Ho Chi Minh campaign as my case.
So my story would have nothing worth to say if I hadn’t met that “old man” in the war zone. He was not a normal person. He was a powerful character of the “R”. -
A Princess of Mars
Edgar Rice Burroughs
John Carter, a Confederate veteran of the American Civil War, goes prospecting in Arizona immediately after the war's end. Having struck a rich vein of gold, he runs afoul of the Apaches. While attempting to evade pursuit by hiding in a sacred cave, he is mysteriously transported to Mars, called "Barsoom" by its inhabitants. Carter finds that he has great strength and superhuman agility in this new environment as a result of its lesser gravity and lower atmospheric pressure. He soon falls in with a nomadic tribe of Green Martians, or Tharks, as the planet's warlike, six-limbed, green-skinned inhabitants are known. Thanks to his strength and martial prowess, Carter rises to a high position in the tribe and earns the respect and eventually the friendship of Tars Tarkas, one of the Thark chiefs.
Chi Pheo and Other Stories
Nam Cao
He swore while walking. It was his habit to swear after drinking. He cursed Heaven. Never mind.
Heaven belongs to nobody. Then he cursed life. That is of no importance. Life means everybody but no one in particular. He raged against the whole population of Vu Dai village. But people said to themselves: "May be he spares me !" Nobody answered him. How vexing indeed ! Vexing enough to make you fume ! Sons of bitches, those who did not answer him ! No reply. Gang of asses ! Had he drunk for nothing ? Isn't it a great pity for him ? Who is that idiot who fathered him so that he was so Unhappy ? Ah ! He had got it ! Let him come, the rascal who begot him ! He ground his teeth and insulted the scoundrel who sired Chi Pheo. God knows who he was ! Chi Pheo himself did not know and in Vu Dai village nobody knew either... -
English GT Nobel Văn Học
Hermann Hesse
I shall begin my story with an experience I had when I was ten and attended our small town's Latin school.
The sweetness of many things from that time still stirs and touches me with melancholy: dark and well-lighted alleys, houses and towers, chimes and faces, rooms rich and comfortable, warm and relaxed, rooms pregnant with secrets. Everything bears the scent of warm intimacy, servant girls, household remedies, and dried fruits.